Software nota kontan
Software nota kontan

software nota kontan

However, for the business owners, this document must be obtained during sell and purchase transactions with the supplier. Perhaps, some people consider if these are not overly important. The legality of a reliable receipt is if the seller has signed and the bill can be included in the financial report. With this letter, the sale is considered valid because the customer has paid the bill and the seller has been benefited. Dengan teknik simulasi paralel inilah auditor dapat mengetahui apakah terjadi perubahan terhadap program yang tengah di audit.A receipt is an important document in a selling and purchasing transaction between two or more parties. Kedua program dalam simulasi paralel ini seharusnya sama, tentunya apabila belum ada modifikasi terhadap program yang diperiksa. Simulasi sejajar (Parallel Simulation) adalah suatu teknik audit dengan membandingkan pengolahan data yang dilakukan dengan dua program dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh keyakinan bahwa kedua program tersebut menghasilkan output yang sama (identic). Untuk mengkombinasikan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya keahlian audit dengan pengetahuan sistem informasi berbasis komputer akan menghasilkan peningkatan yang sangat signifikan dalam proses audit sistem informasi. Penggunaan TABK atau CAATTs akan meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas auditor dalam melaksanakan audit dengan memanfaatkan segala kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh komputer. TABK / CAATT merupakan perangkat dan teknik yang digunakan untuk menguji (baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung) logika internal dari suatu aplikasi komputer yang digunakan untuk mengolah data. Teknik Audit Berbantuan Komputer ( TABK ) /Ĭomputer Assisted Audit Technique Tools (CAATT) Accounting records that trace transactions from their source documents to the financial statements.Records that include details of all transactions, including cash sales, miscellaneous receipts and cash received.Document that authorizes the storekeeper to release materials to individuals Or work centers in the production process.The blueprint of what ultimately will become the physical database.

#Software nota kontan software

Software that allows auditors to access electronically coded data files and perform various operations on their contents.

software nota kontan software nota kontan

  • Horizontal bar chart that presents time on a horizontal plane and activities on a vertical plane.
  • Using this we can physically connected logically related tables to achieve the associations described in the data model.
  • To produce a detailed description of the proposed system that both satisfies the system requirements identified during systems analysis and is in accordance with the conceptual design.
  • Phenomena that affect changes in resources.
  • Facts that cause the user to take an action that she or he couldn’t taken.
  • A database model that represents data in a structure and permits only single parent record for each child.
  • Documentation technique used to represent the relationship among activities and users in a system.
  • The theft, misuse or misappropriation of assets by altering computer readable records and files.
  • Equivalents to adjectives in the English language that serve to describe the objects.
  • Systems that assemble transactions into groups for processing.
  • A book of accounts that reflects the financial effects of the firm’s transactions after they are posted from the various journals.
  • Chart that reflects the relationship among the many activities that constitute the implementation process.
  • A compilation of all journal vouchers posted to the general ledger.
  • Usually performed as part of a broader financial audit.
  • Mark the appropriate options in bracket with the correct statement!

    Software nota kontan